Our Services

Comprehensive Remote Care

Bridging the Gap in Chronic Health Management

At SynCare Group, we are dedicated to transforming the landscape of chronic care management through our comprehensive remote services. Each of our offerings is meticulously designed to align with CMS guidelines, ensuring the highest standard of care while providing the flexibility and accessibility of remote management. Our services include 24/7 nursing support and a strong emphasis on preventative care, ensuring that patients receive continuous, high-quality care tailored to their unique needs.

Chronic Care Management (CCM)

Our CCM service is the cornerstone of our offerings, focusing on improving outcomes for both chronic care patients and their physicians. We provide:

Dedicated Care Managers

Each patient is paired with a dedicated care manager who coordinates all aspects of their healthcare beyond the doctor's office. This includes care coordination, appointment management, and medication assistance.

Educational Support

We emphasize patient education, helping them understand their conditions and how to manage them effectively.

Seamless Integration

Our nurses integrate flawlessly into the existing care team, simplifying the enrollment process and providing consistent support between visits.

Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM)

Our RPM service utilizes cutting-edge technology to enhance patient care:

Vital Measures Monitoring

We remotely monitor and collect vital health data from patients, whether they're at home or in the office.

Data-Driven Treatment Plans

The data collected is used to develop and manage personalized treatment plans in partnership with the physician care team.

Enhanced Patient Care Experience

By leveraging this technology, we not only improve revenue for healthcare providers but, more importantly, enhance the overall patient care experience.

Transitional Care Management (TCM)

TCM is vital for patients transitioning from hospital to home:

Comprehensive Transition Coordination

Our care managers coordinate the patient's transition back to the community, ensuring a smooth and comfortable process.

Follow-Up Care and Medication Management

We assist in arranging follow-up care, community resources, and managing medications post-discharge.

Close Collaboration

Our team works closely with the patient, their family or caregivers, and the physician care team to ensure a seamless transition.

Behavioral Health Integration (BHI)

BHI is designed to support patients with mental or behavioral health conditions:

Behavioral Health Care Management

We provide expert input and assessment in healthcare planning, making necessary adjustments for patients who are not progressing as expected.

Continuous Communication

Our consistent communication with the patient’s treating practitioner and psychiatrist consultant ensures that the treatment process is always aligned with the patient's needs.

Benefits of BHI:

  • Holistic Care Approach: BHI integrates mental health and substance use disorder services into primary care settings, allowing for a holistic approach to patient care that addresses both physical and behavioral health needs.

  • Enhanced Access to Care: BHI increases access to behavioral health services by embedding mental health professionals within primary care practices, reducing barriers to care such as stigma, transportation, and scheduling difficulties.

  • Timely Interventions: BHI facilitates early identification and intervention for behavioral health issues by enabling closer collaboration and communication between primary care providers and behavioral health specialists, leading to more timely and effective treatment.

  • Improved Health Outcomes: BHI promotes better coordination of care and continuity of services, resulting in improved health outcomes for patients with co-occurring physical and behavioral health conditions, such as reduced hospitalizations, improved medication adherence, and enhanced quality of life.

  • Cost Savings: BHI has the potential to reduce healthcare costs by preventing unnecessary emergency department visits, hospitalizations, and other costly interventions through early detection, intervention, and management of behavioral health issues within the primary care setting.

Let's fix healthcare together. Find out more about our services

SynCare’s Chronic Care Management (CCM) services deliver coordinated care to clients and improve patients’ overall health & satisfaction.

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